Data Valley's web-based Production & PR Management system is designed to provide an easy job costing and control system.

DVX Production & PR Management system is designed to provide a full job costing and control system. Comprehensive, flexible and immediately familiar to anyone working in the advertising industry DVX Production provides the management team with accurate & timely information as needed to track & manage all aspects of the business. Designed to operate in any business from a Full Service Agency, Public Relations Consultancy, Marketing Service Company, to a Graphics StudioDVX Production can be tailored to suit your individual requirements PLUS  provide you with the management tools you need to Measure & Control all aspects of your business.

Job Studio/Job Manager

Job Studio/Dashboard is a live report allowing you to view, manage and edit Jobs from one screen.  Job Information can be viewed using drag/drop functionality by any column on the dashboard. Individual users can set up there own Dashboards or alternatively a Team of users can all access the same report. “Drill-Down” & Link facilities within this screen ensure the user can navigate to all areas of DVX Production from within a single screen. KPIs relating to the job & transactions processed against the job can be seen from the Job Manager. Full details of the job, including budgets, actual costs and charge-out rates can be accessed at any time. Similarly account executives can view the progress of their jobs and can compare the current financial picture on each client or job against the budget - immediately highlighting any potential cost overruns. Jobs going over budget are indicated by a change in the colour of the budget and actual total values on the Job screen.


DVX Production Campaign or Project screen allows you to set up an overall campaign to control an infinite number of jobs for any client. Any number of jobs may be entered and maintained on the system and registered to specific Clients & Executives. Teams, Brand &/or Product analysis are just a few of the fields available to categorize your jobs, all of which are available to streamline job searches and filter reporting.


Having established the job you can use DVX Production as a planning tool to prepare costings for the job. It is likely that you have produced a similar job some time in the past, in which case why start from scratch? Any previous job may be saved as a template that can be used to form the basis of your new costing and modified if necessary allowing you to rapidly create new client proposals.

New Cost details can be set up on a job by selecting the transaction type e.g. time, bought in costs, etc… followed by the relevant details such as Activity, Employee, number of hours (if time based) or quantity/value/supplier if it is a bought in item.

Client proposals can be produced quickly and immediately emailed from within DVX Production if required.


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Take Control of your employees expenses with DVX Expenses the simple to use expense management software to help track expenses across your business - Learn More Here