DVX Media is designed to provide a full Media Buying control system.
Comprehensive, flexible and immediately familiar to anyone working in the Media Booking industry DVX Media provides the management team with accurate & timely information as needed to track & manage all aspects of the business.
Designed to operate in any Media Agency, DVX Media can be tailored to suit your individual requirements PLUS provide you with the management tools & reporting you need to measure & control all aspects of your media business.
DVX Media Schedules allow you to set up any number of individual schedules to control the Media & Bookings made for any client. Any number of Schedules may be entered for the client for single one off media jobs or for managing annual recurring Schedules that run over a period of time.
Bookings may be entered and maintained on the system from single Bookings through to multiple monthly Bookings relating to the Schedule requirements, registered to specific Clients & Executives. Positions, Client Terms, Internal Prompts & Client Update Tags are just a few of the fields available to categorize your schedules, all of which are available for reporting.
Schedule Prints are available to download to PDF or Email directly to the client from within the system. Prints are flexible with regards to the detail that is shown based on the options that are selected so you can send a basic print or a more detailed print.
The Booking KPIs visible at the top of the bookings screen give information relating to the values of bookings relating to the schedule but with a simple toggle information of the value of Client POs, the number of bookings allocated to the PO, How much spend is left against the Client PO & the potential margin being made against that Client PO.
DVX Media Client PO's are an enhanced feature allowing you to log full details of a client purchase order against a schedule and allocate it against media bookings that you want to apply against it.
DVX Media Orders allow you to place an order with the supplier of the Media Title either via printing to email or sending directly from within DVX Media. Each document generated is given an automatically generated next order number & with intuitive filters and searches it is simple and easy to find the details required, all details of the document show in the on screen preview where you can commit the detail to the document.
Your Media Order Document can be flexible in its branding giving you a professional looking secure PDF Print all of which are stored in the Vault database saving space on your servers, Each document is visible in Document History when viewing bookings.
DVX Media Booking Confirmations include an intuitive and simple filter and search facility making it easy to find bookings that are awaiting confirmations.
Details will load on screen and can be further filtered/searched if required, there is also the ability to download the report to Excel if required.
Easy access to view booking details and to set the booking confirmation detail before saving changes which are visible when viewing bookings in individual schedules.
DVX Media Sales Invoicing allows you to raise client invoices &/or Credit Notes with options to print and attach a document to an email or to Auto Email a Branded document from within DVX Media.
Each document generated is given an automatically generated next sales invoice/credit note number & with intuitive filters and searches it is simple and easy to find the details required, all details of the document show in the on screen preview where you can commit the detail to the document and create.
Your Sales Invoice Document is stored in the Vault database saving space on your servers & giving easy searchable options to find & reprint the documents should they be required. Each document is visible in Document history when viewing bookings.
DVX Media Reporting gives you access to all key aspects of the data in DVX Media with access to standard reports relating to Outstanding Orders/PI's & SI's.
The ability to build your own customised reports using the simplified functionality of the Report Generator gives key information relating to schedules & bookings in the format that you want.
All delivered automatically in formatted excel spreadsheets including sub-totaling & Pivot Links.